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Please fill the following fields, to quote for you with all the insurance companies,
in order to present you the best options in coverage, deductibles and premium

Insured Name (Person or company)
Business commercial name


Bus. Phone
- - *
Cell. Phone
- - *
Addres of proprty to insure


Postal Code

Activity of Business

Presently insured?
Expiration date

Are you renter?
Salaries per month

Profits per month

Fixed expenses per month


Characteristics of the property
Replacement cost construction
  Contents value
No. Of Levels
  Glass-building value
Contents Robbery amount
  Jewelry, Art, Objects of difficult replacement
  Electronics value
Distance to sea, river or lagoon  
  Construction Square Meters
Walls material type
  Roof Material Type
Anticyclonic protection features   

Outdoor fixed property
Concept Quantity Total value Concept Quantity Total value
Bamboo/Wood sticks shade Retaining walls
Palapa shade Rails
A/C Compressors Glass protection
Water tank Solar pannels
Propane tank Water pump (outdoor)
Water heater (outdoor) Outdoor fixed lights
BBQ area Outdoor sound system
Fire pit Outdoor video system
Water fountain Storm Shutters
Outdoor fixed decoration Peripheral walls
Water irrigation system Spa / Jacuzzi
Satellite TV Service Pool & equipment

Business activities outside of facilities
Uploading & downloading
Do you have parking lot
How many spaces in there

Do you have valet parking?

Liability for finished products?

Do you subcontract to third parties?

MT Los Cabos, S.C., representado por International Insurance Services, con domicilio en: Carretera Transpeninsular Km. 0.5 local 88, Colonia El Tezal, Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S. 23454, utilizará sus datos personales con la finalidad de permitir la intermediación de contratos de seguros, fianzas e inversiones, conforme a lo establecido en el Art. 19 de la LFPDPPP. Para conocer el tratamiento de sus datos personales puede acceder a nuestro Aviso de Privacidad en cualquier momento.

International Insurance Services on behalf of MT Los Cabos, S.C., with address at Carretera Transpeninsular K, 0.5 local 88, Colonia El Tezal, Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S. 23454, shall use your personal data with the purpose to allow the purchasing of insurance, fines and investments, based on the 19th article of the LFPDPPP (Law of Protection of Personal Data). To access to our Privacy Notice at any time.